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Home Certified Translations

Certified Translations

The enormous flow of people and companies around the world has made certified translations an indispensable element of daily life.
We are ready to help you at Olguín & La Conte for your bureaucratic procedures to be successful and your certified translations to be recognized with no problems.

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What does the certified translation service consist of?

Certified translations are those made by an official translator authorized by the Mexican Judiciary. Translations bear the authorized translator’s official seal as well as an accompanying text that establishes its authenticity.

How valid are translations certified by an official translator?

All our translations are internationally valid and accepted anywhere in the world. The translations into Spanish are valid for all your filings and procedures at government offices in Mexico and for school, commercial or industrial matters.

In what languages do we offer translations certified by an official translator?
– Translations certified by an official translator from Spanish into ENGLISH and vice versa.
– Translations certified by an official translator from Spanish into FRENCH and vice versa.
– Translations certified by an official translator from Spanish into GERMAN and vice versa.
– Translations certified by an official translator from Spanish into ITALIAN and vice versa.
– Translations certified by an official translator from Spanish into PORTUGUESE and vice versa.
– Translations certified by an official translator from Spanish into CHINESE and vice versa.
– Translations certified by an official translator from Spanish into JAPANESE and vice versa.
– Translations certified by an official translator from Spanish into KOREAN and vice versa.
– Translations certified by an official translator from Spanish into DUTCH and vice versa.
– Translations certified by an official translator from Spanish into RUSSIAN and vice versa.
– Translations certified by an official translator from Spanish into RUMANIAN and vice versa.
– Translations certified by an official translator from Spanish into POLISH and vice versa.
How can I get a price quote for my translation?
If you want an exact price quote for the documents you need to translate, e-mail your documents to us at info@olguinlaconte.com and we will immediately send you the cost.
If you think it is easier and quicker, send us legible photos by WhatsApp to cell phone number 3333680958.
Lastly you can come to our offices in Guadalajara, Jalisco where we will be pleased to talk to you from Monday thru Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 pm. Click here to see our location:
How long will it take to deliver my translation?

If you want an exact price quote for the documents you need to translate, e-mail your documents to us at info@olguinlaconte.com and we will immediately send you the cost.
If you think it is easier and quicker, send us legible photos by WhatsApp to cell phone number 3333680958.
Lastly you can come to our offices in Guadalajara, Jalisco where we will be pleased to talk to you from Monday thru Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 pm. Click here to see our location:

I do not live in Guadalajara. Can you send me my translation?
We will be happy to. We can send your translation anywhere in Mexico or in the world with your favorite courier service. We can also e-mail your duly certified translation.
If you live the Guadalajara, Metropolitan Area, ask for our home delivery service where for a small charge we will deliver it at your home or office.
What is the procedure for paying for my translations?

Once you have authorized our price quote, you will have to pay 50% of the price and the rest upon delivery. We accept credit cards via PayPal. We can also give you our account number and you can pay at any bank branch or at Oxxo stores.

If you find yourself in one of the following situations, you surely need a certified translation by an official translator:

If you are going to apply for dual citizenship in Mexico, your child’s or your apostilled birth certificate needs to be translated by an authorized official translator.

If you studied abroad and you want to revalidate your studies at the Mexican Ministry of Education.

You are applying for a scholarship or want to study abroad (high school, undergrad or graduate studies).

You are applying for residency in the United States, Canada or anywhere else in the world, all your documents need to be translated.

You want to record in Mexico the marriage you celebrated abroad, you need to have the marriage certificate and apostille translated.

You are going to get married in Mexico, you need to have your birth certificate translated.

You want to make any legal document valid in Mexico at a Mexican court (divorce, trials, etc.)

You are a Mexican company importing goods but the documentation is in a language other than Spanish, you need to have it translated for procedures with COFEPRIS or with any other Mexican authority.

You are applying for work abroad and they ask you for documents translated into said country’s language.

You have commercial documents from your company that you need to have translated into a language other than Spanish.

Your company is growing and will open a subsidiary in another country; you need to have all the documentation evidencing legal incorporation in Mexico translated.

You are going to sign a contract and need the certainty that the translation is true to the original and maintains the same legal value.

Generally speaking, any situation involving a translation of a document in which you want a translation by professionals who also have international recognition.

Any questions?

Contact us. We will be glad to meet with you and offer different options for you specific case.
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